I love Island foods That Make You Lose Weight

Image of Curry Goat and rice at Notting Hill C...

Image of Curry Goat and rice at Notting Hill Carnival 2007 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

With privileges come responsibilities, like ea...

With privileges come responsibilities, like eating the catered cuban food. Shredded beef, jerk chicken, black beans and plantains. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I really love island foods and I know sometimes people think that it makes you gain a lot of  weight so  I’m gonna share some of my secrets with you all . This is just for people that love island foods just like me I visit Jamaica a lot I was born in Jamaica actually its an amazing country , the beautiful beaches ,the fantastic music etc. Where should I start well I usually eat curried goat with some boiled calla-loo ,its very tasty I knew that most of you people don’t eat these kind of foods but if  you ever go on a vacation eat right.The jerk chicken is my favorite so I just always eat the with some scotch pepper and cabbage and dumpling it may sound like that doesn’t work but it really do . I love losing weightJamaican style” not only Jamaica all of the Caribbean . The island foods are delicious and that’s the way to do it .

Jerk chicken as served july 05

Jerk chicken as served july 05 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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